Thursday, November 19, 2009

Patrik Antonius and Isildur1 Battle Continues on Full Tilt

Full Tilt appears to be the place for high stakes confrontation. Last night I decided to check out the big rooms to see if anything interesting was happening after having heard about the record breaking pot won by Patrik Antonius over Isildur1 from Sweden.

Surprisingly or not, both Patrik and the swede were at it again. In a heads up battle that spanned more than one table the two were going at it with what appeared to be well over a couple million spread out over the tables.

Is it just me, or is that a tremendous amount of confidence in an online site to leave that much cash with them. Let's say there was some kind of problem with the site, it goes down and you can't access your million. Who do you call? What if every time you call the line is busy? A lot of people who play at Full Tilt would probably be calling as well to figure out what had happened. The big difference however, is that you left them with over a million. What if they never come back? Who do you call then? I'm sure it wouldn't happen.

Anyway, the battle raged for a while and to be honest, I watched for a little bit but then got bored and decided to move on. The most entertaining part about watching Patrik and Isildur1 were the constant comments coming in from everyone else who were observing. It was pretty hilarious. Each one seemed to have some opinion or advice for the two players. I was more fascinated with the fact that there were several hands were more money was exchanged than most of these railbirds will earn over several years. With each passing hand there was enough money passed to account for something significant. Hey there goes a Mercedes. That was three months in St. Tropez. Hey, I think that was my house!

It was entertaining for a while but then, I had to move on. I believe Patrik Antonius was victorious again for about a million. Or was it Isildur1.

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