OK. I have decided to give in to the requests. If only to stop the badgering for a little while. In past posts I have discussed my opinion of online poker and have alluded to how I used to play and make money with online poker. I have also mentioned how I don't really do it anymore because of subsequent experiences of mine and my colleagues. However, with certain people knowing about how much I made and how long I did play, the pressure has come once again to share the information about how to make money with online poker. Specifically, you people who keep after me, want to know how to make money with online poker in limit games.
I'm not clear on the fascination with limit poker, I happen to find No Limit somewhat more exciting but perhaps more people are saving their No Limit play for tournaments these days. Who knows. Whatever the reason, I will break it down into parts so you can see how I did it. The truth is, it is really straight forward and I'm sure other people are using these techniques to make money online, so each post will just focus on one thing at a time and hopefully those of you who keep asking, will find something more constructive to do with your time.
How to make money with online poker: First things first
The very first thing you want to do when deciding to play online poker is to choose the right online poker site for you. Here is the scoop. Not all online poker sites are created equal. It is extremely important for you to do a little bit of research and find out what site will give you the greatest edge. Now I know you might be thinking that they all work off of random number generators, they all have poker games they all must be pretty much the same right? Wrong.
Every site has a variety of characteristics or nuances that will make it different from other sites. For example, the deposit and cash out options will vary from site to site. A big part of how I consistently made money online was related to a cashout option available to me. I discuss it more in detail later. What you want to find out is what are the minimum amounts you must have in your online poker account in order to cash out. This will save you the surprise later of discovering that you can't get your money out when you want to. Yes, some sites have these limits in place. You can find this out very easily when researching. This will also let you know if the site even allows the type of deposit method you want to use. Don't use a deposit method you are uncomfortable with just because the site doesn't offer the one you want. Just move on. There are other sites to choose from.
The other thing that you are going to want to find out directly related to deposit and cashout, is whether the site offers deposit bonuses. Now, in order to compete, almost all sites offer some kind of bonus for depositing with them. Check around and see which one suits the kind of game you will play. Keep in mind, this is only going to be one thing you will be looking for when scoping out an online poker site. Most of these deposits are paid out over an extremely large amount of hands and time. It is like getting paid to play but it is usually sweatshop rates. So, always check the fine print on that issue.
How to make money with online poker: Game Selection
The next and seemingly obvious thing you will look for is what games are offered. I know they all offer poker games. However, this is a huge factor when it comes to how you will make money online consistently. This is where you will have to visit the sites you are interested and actually check out the games that are offered. There are a couple things you will be looking for. First, you be looking for the particular game that you feel you have the best chance of making money at. You may be great at Omaha Hi/Lo or Razz but the site you are looking at doesn't offer it. Obviously, you won't play there. Every site has Hold em, I won't even mention it. The last thing you want to do is join a site and find out they don't offer your best game.
OK, so they offer your game but is anybody playing it. Hint: I made a lot of money online because tons of people were playing the game I wanted and there were plenty of table choices available. When it comes to making money with online with poker, it is critical that there are lots of tables going with your particular game. If there are only a couple, don't waste your time at that site. You can't make money without opponents or if the game keeps breaking up. You are going to need to be able to pick and choose your table opponents in order to maximize your session earnings.
Once you have found the site that offers the right kind of deposit/cashout options for you and offers your best game(s) with lots of tables to choose from, you are ready to take the next step.
The next article I will discuss table construct and site reputation.
Monday, November 3, 2008
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