Friday, February 13, 2009

Bellagio Has Best Poker Room in Las Vegas

It wasn't too long ago that I was out in Las Vegas having the time of my life, as I usually do there, going from hotel experience to hotel experience. While in a poker game with a buddy of mine we got into a debate about which poker room in Vegas is the best.

This is clearly one that will cause considerable debate. For me there was virtually no question. I will favor the Bellagio ten times out of ten. The hotel for starters is spectacular. Not that most of the hotels on the strip are not, but the Bellagio really has its you know what together.

My buddy is more of a nostalgic kind of player. He claims that without any debate, the best poker room is at Binions. He loves the history of the room. It is a good size with a decent number of games going at any time. It is located in old town, which is always a fun place to visit. And who doesn't like the shady stories attached to that place.

For me, you can't beat the environment at the Bellagio. You have a huge choice of games available to you and who knows who you might see there in the way of pros. You might even get to pick up a few tips. I like Binions but the environment makes me laugh. The floor seems to suck your shoes down as you walk across the room and I'm always afraid to brush up against the walls there. I'm not quite sure what is on them anymore.

I'm sure there are many opinions on this topic but I for one will forever be a Bellagio type of guy. That room has been very good to me.

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